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黃金鈣營鎂 (Gold MC3)



黃金鈣營鎂(Gold MC3) -黃金鈣鎂比例 2:1 鈣是人體含量最多、需要量最大的礦物質,身體所有生理代謝機能都需要鈣,沒有鈣就無法維持身體正常運作。 鈣在人體內99%鈣質都存在骨骼及牙齒中, 餘下的鈣則存於血液中,有助血液凝固、協助心臟肌肉收縮等功用。當血鈣的水平過低時, 骨鈣便會被提取到血液中,以維持血鈣的水平。 鈣:有助骨骼與牙齒生長 鎂:預防骨骼鈣化及骨質流失 鋅:有助強化骨骼組織的硬度及韌性 維他命C:促進鈣質吸收 維他命D:與鈣一起補充有效強化骨骼 維他命K:增加成骨細胞功能,讓鈣質形成骨質 🌟最重要係黃金鈣鎂比例 2:1 先能有效吸收鈣 成分: 海藻鈣、米糠鎂、微脂體天然維他命C 、酵母鋅、維他命D 、鷹嘴豆發酵物(維他命K2) 建議用量:每日1-3包 (包裝:3克/包,每盒30包) Calcium is the mineral with the most content and greatest demand in the human body. Calcium is required for all physiological and metabolic functions of the body. Body cannot maintain normal operation without calcium. 99% of calcium in the human body is stored in bones and teeth. The remaining calcium is stored in the blood, which helps blood coagulation and heart muscle contraction. When blood calcium levels are too low, bone calcium is extracted into the blood to maintain blood calcium levels. Calcium: Helps the growth of bones and teeth Magnesium: Prevents bone calcification and bone loss Zinc: Strengthen the hardness and toughness of bone tissue Vitamin C: Promotes calcium absorption Vitamin D: Effectively strengthens bones together with calcium Vitamin K: Increases osteoblast function and help calcium to form bone 🌟2:1 Optimal Calcium :Magnesium gold ratio Ingredients: Seaweed Calcium, Rice Bran Magnesium, Microlipid Natural Vitamin C, Yeast Zinc, Vitamin D, Chickpea Ferment (Vitamin K2) Suggested dosage: 1-3 sachets/day Package: 3g/sachet, 30 sachets/pack #骨質疏鬆 #肌少症 #鈣質 #鎂 #維他命C #維他命D #維他命K #補血鈣

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